About Our Family

I have a love for reupholstering. I am one of the random ones who finds it relaxing. I love transforming a piece into something more beautiful & budget affordable. My plans for this blog is to give tips & display pieces I have reupholstered -which could be a perfect piece in your home. I also reupholster already own furniture if interested.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So I got my braces the beginning of January 2010. I never thought that I would get braces because I didn't have the money for it. When I was little I was self conscious and would try to hide my teeth when I would smile and would avoid taking pictures. Since I figured that I probably wouldn't get braces, I practiced smiling in the mirror so people wouldn't see my horrible teeth as much (especially the bottom). I guess I did a pretty good job at it because people didn't realize how bad I needed braces or they pretended that I didn't.ha ha. Well, these pictures I am going to show you are of my teeth..... and the process I have gone through straightening my teeth. I knew my teeth were crooked but didn't realize how bad and painful they looked (at least for me). Please ignore the chapped lips and close ups on my face??@#!I didn't know what to expect. -First day I got my braces
Braces were so painful the first day. I was on the verge of crying and wanting to go back to the orthodontist because I couldn't eat, floss, brush my teeth, or kiss my husband. I was wanting them OFF! My husband gave my a blessing and I felt mentally better but my mouth still hurt. I went to bed and my top teeth straightened out already!!!! I was so happy and I was so grateful that I was able to see that. It got me excited that I new that the pain was worth it! The pain continued for a week but got better each day.

-Picture of me the next day. I was in pain but I was happy that my teeth were straightening already.
Ouch! So I needed to get some teeth pulled. 4 exactly. I went into the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and came out with less teeth and a half numb face.

Story behind that: I had my 6 month cleaning and I told the dentist that my orthodontist wants some teeth pulled. Comes to find out my dentist specializes in that (bonus: I don't have to go to specialist and pay a lot). The other "exciting" news is that they have an opening right then and there so I don't have to wait a several weeks to get in. Also makes the process of my braces to go by quicker because the orthodontist cant adjust my teeth without more room.
Here is a shot that is kind of embarrassing for me. I always tried to hide my bottom teeth because they were so messed up.

Outcome of my teeth pulled. Lovely spaces.

Got springs to give my teeth room to move forward. One spring is left in this picture.
Tada! My bottom teeth aligned. Now I just need to get rid of the spaces.
I got my braces off!!! Well just the top.Bummer....

When I went to my appointment to get my braces off, the orthodontist looked in my mouth and went "uhh...". I replied with "Well that doesn't sound good". He told me that he doesn't know how one of my bottom tooth turned the way it did especially within 4 weeks. So the bad/good news is that I got another spring to give more room for the tooth turn back and then they will see if that fixed it or if it will be another 4 weeks til I get my bottom braces off.

I am just glad that I got my top braces off for now. Rollins and Peterson's Orthodontist does a rewards program that you can participate in. You get coins when you go to your appointments for wearing their t-shirt, having clean teeth, and keeping good care of your braces. I know its sounds childish but heck, I will participate if the only difference is wearing their t-shirt so I can get prizes like ice cream, movie tickets, or gift cards. My goal was to get the $50 Westcore shopping gift card. I was short 3 coins to get the gift card and since I have a few more visits to go I will get the gift card as well as few smaller prizes. That means SHOPPING MONEY!

Now when I smile or laugh, I don't have to worry or think twice about my teeth. Great feeling!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I don't have much to write about that is exciting. We are pretty much boring. It seems like all we do is work. When we get home we just like to sit/cuddle on the couch, catch up on our t.v shows that we missed out on for the week (Parenthood and The Office) and eat dinner. I can't complain. I am just glad that I get to spend as much time with my husband as I do. Since I don't have trips to tell you about or funny stories about what my child has done, you get to read about all the changes that are happening or coming up.

First change is that I am making room for Claira. Boxing up clothes that I cant fit in (goal to fit in after she is born or at least most of my clothes), re-organizing our house, and throwing stuff out.

Next my body is changing. It's exciting but annoying that things are not fitting me. My clothes are too small and maternity clothes are too big. I think I look like a sack of potatoes. Anyways, my wedding ring doesn't fit me anymore. My hands and feet swell when I am working. Being on my feet all the time is hard work.

My favorite change is the HEAT. not! I am constantly hot. Now that its getting even more hot (80 degrees and higher), my wedding ring doesn't fit at all and I get cranky. I can't escape the heat. 90 degrees are hitting and I am really nervous when it gets over 100?!!?

I also went to being constantly tired to not being able to sleep so well at night. I am wide awake after a few hours of sleep. I am glad I am not a walking zombie anymore but I just want to go back to sleep. I love to sleep!

Leg cramps are quite the experience. I have been woken up by leg cramps before I was pregnant but to have consistent leg cramps are annoying and it gets kind of old especially when I get 3-5 a night. I make sure I drink enough water, keep eating bananas, and stretching my legs. It seems like they just wont go away. If anyone knows a great way to get rid/prevent them, you would be my best friend!

I am lucky that I haven't had heart burns yet. I have 3 months left (in 2 weeks) so hopefully I wont experience heart burn or at least not that bad. Even if I got it I wouldn't have to experience it for a long time.

A great change is coming up shortly. I GET MY BRACES OFF!!! I get them off Wednesday, April 6th! I am so excited! I will have to post pictures. I didn't know how bad my teeth were or how painful they looked until I see my teeth now and look at the before pictures.

I was told to post pictures of my "baby bump". Here are the pictures that I have taken so far.

6 weeks: found out I was pregnant a few days before.

7 weeks, 4 days: starting to see a little change 13 weeks: baby+cyst=bigger belly After surgery my stomach got smaller 24 weeks